The goal of any email campaign is to engage with a specific audience and encourage them to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. Did you know that email is the top source of revenue for 59% of B2B marketers? We can help you carefully craft a targeted message using analytics to optimize the campaign which can drive significant results and increase revenue for your business.

Click on the images below to view larger scale.

Image of Construction Alert Email for Construction Company
Construction Alert Email

Challenge: Design an email to let the lumber company clients know they would be paving and how to follow the loading process.

Contribution: Design email and edit provided to copy to help clients with the new procedure.

Applications: Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Account Executive Email featuring image captured by UPD
Account Executive Email

Challenge: To create a campaign using account executive’s photos to engage with the audience.

Contribution: Photo shoot of 6 sales representatives and email designed for each member of the sales team. Copy provided.

Applications: Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Screenshot of email used to show off new website
NewYorkBIO Annual Meeting Announcement

Challenge: To create a newsletter template that can be reused for multiple drops. Branding in keeping with website. See Websites.

Contribution: Design and code.

Applications: Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Constant Contact.

Biofourmis HTML Email Drop
Biofourmis HTML Email Drop

Challenge: To create a visually pleasing html while getting the medical message across and to read legibly.

Contribution: Created graphics and html layout.

Applications: Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Illustrator.

ASI Show Newsletter
Industry Insider Newsletter

Challenge: To create a newsletter for the distributor. This was designed to give them industry news and important information new leading up the events.

Contribution: Designed original template to be update monthly.

Applications: Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Daily Event News
ASI Show Daily

Challenge: To create a template for a newsletter that can be updated on location with live photos and videos to be dropped each day of the event.

Contribution: Created graphic template. Took photos and video on site to populate the newsletter for early morning drop.

Applications: Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Pardot.

Image of awkward boy exprssing that impressions matter
Marketing Opportunities Email

Challenge: Create a fun and impactful push for marketing opportunities for supplier before during and after the trade show.

Contribution: Concept, headline and design. Copy provided.

Applications: Photoshop and Dreamweaver.